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Free Download Copyfilename31.exe

We are hardly trying to provide authentic service to our visitors according to their desires. Now we are introducing a software which is helpful for official workers who have problem in finding their files which are located in their Computers.'

This software name is “ Copy Filename “ and it a new version of it. This software is help to find ur desire files in a simple way. If u have a number of files in ur computer u simply go to a folder select all files and Right click to your Mouse and an option is shown in the box ” Copying Filesname” simply select that option and open a new “ Word file or an Excel Sheet” and paste the copy material on it. This is simple and easier to find our files and it would take maximum 1 minute to doing that. We are hope that you can gain more help from this software“ Copy Filename “ and please inform us to your problem and give us best ideas.

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