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Euzing Maze Lock Full Version By Muhammad Saleem

To use this app, all you have to do is install the app on your Windows PC. After the installationopen the app and you can see
the main screen of Eusing Maze Lock. From here you can reset the unlock patterns and create you own pattern to unlock your PC. To make the pattern a more complicated user can select the numberof points among 3*3, 4*4, 5*5 patterns.

Pattern Lock main Screen
Pattern Lock main Screen
Once you set the pattern lock for your PC, you can also take the backup of that pattern on your PC. Using that option you can save the pattern as backup in case there is a risk of forgetting the pattern. From Background Tab menu from the app you can change the screen background of the lock screen, just click on the change option from there and you can select you personal image to set as a background. 
Lock Screen Settings

Lock Screen Settings

Watch the Working Demo below
Once the settings are saved you can use the pattern lock on your Windows PC. To unlock PC all you have to draw thew pattern with the help of mouse and you pc will unlocked. All we can say that the app is a useful application that serves its purpos provides some interesting configuration options. 

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